(Aid for Baby Boomers and Their Children)

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About Tony aka Boomersaide


Welcome to all Baby Boomers, their children and grandchildren!

Born in 1947, the second year of the baby boomers, I’ve now lived through much of what baby boomers will experience in their life.

Often I have met people who are not familiar with many life events and circumstances I have experienced.  It’s great to share with them what has happened to me and my wife and how that information could help them.

Here’s my initial list of what’s happened to my wife and me since we turned fifty;

When our parents became too ill to take care of themselves and we became caretakers. (along with my wife’s sister and her husband)

  • We learned about home health care, medicare, medicaid and nursing homes
  • We became very aware of preparing for retirement and end of life concerns.
  • We had our first grandchild, retired and moved closer to our kids in another state.
  • Concerns about the economy and will our income last our lifetime.
  • Concerns about our health as we age and our health insurance, especially dental insurance.

The first thing I want to share is how to prepare for the last part of your life.  One of the best acts you can do for your children is to make sure they know your wishes in that time in your life.

From there I will work backwards to include subjects like how to help your parents in their last days, your role with your children and grandchildren, making sure you have enough income to last the rest of your life and many other topics.

We were taken by surprise on many life events beginning in our fifties.  Our parents suddenly became too ill to take care of themselves and we had to step in, totally unprepared.  The goal of is to help others who find themselves in this stage of life to be prepared.

7 thoughts

  1. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience. My parents are going through a lot of these situations right now, and I know they would love this resource.

    1. Thanks for looking at my web site Sarah! Please let me know what I can do to improve and/or expand this site! Looking forward to seeing you at the Y. Ask your parents to leave a comment too. Tony

  2. Website is still looking good. The medicare and medicare links are good and very useful. I noticed when I clicked on blogs of interested it prompted me for username and password?

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