(Aid for Baby Boomers and Their Children)

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Triple E virus Outbreak due to Mosquito Bites

According to news media there is an increase in people becoming ill with the EEE Virus from a Mosguito bite.  The same medias are saying there is no cure for this disease.  So what can you do?  Click here for more info on the Triple E Virus.

1. Go outside and remove any standing water around your home that helps breed mosquitoes.

2. Use sprays that kill mosquitoes around your house.

3. When you go outside, use appropriate spray on your exposed skin to deter mosquitoes.

4. Wear clothes that cover most of your body.

5. Limit you time outdoors after sundown.

6. If you have symptoms get medical help immediately!

Boomersaide is not an expert on this but common sense tells me we need to be pro active on this danger, especially for our children and grandchildren’s sake!  This alert will help prevent the Nile Virus too

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